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- 스마트폰으로 웹서핑을 하거나 동영상 사이트를 들어가면 지원하지 않는 플러그인이라고 나오며 제대로 나오지 않는 경우

이럴때 유용한 방법 입니다.

lash Player for Android 4.0 archives


Flash Player for Android 2.x and 3.x archives


apk파일을 스마트폰에 받아서 깔면 됩니다.

Archived Flash Player versions



lash Player for Android 4.0 archives

On September 10 2013, Adobe released Flash Player for Android 2.x and 3.x and for Android 4.0.x in keeping with statements made in Adobe's publicly available Flash Roadmap. This release is the final update release of Flash Player for the Android operating system. While it is not recommended, if you would like to download this release for previous Android releases, see the links below:

Flash Player for Android 2.x and 3.x archives

On September 10 2013, Adobe released Flash Player for Android 2.x and 3.x and for Android 4.0.x in keeping with statements made in Adobe's publicly available Flash Roadmap. This release is the final update release of Flash Player for the Android operating system. While it is not recommended, if you would like to download this release for previous Android releases, see the links below:

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